As a business immersed in creating innovative mobile payment opportunities and developing messaging solutions for charities and brands, our answer to this question is ‘yes, absolutely!’.
Our recent event with Charity Digital – an organisation which, similar to us, exists to help charities get the most from their digital toolboxes – reinforced this, too, when we jointly explored how to optimise supporter engagement using WhatsApp alone.
‘But why?’, you’re probably asking. If so, read on.
WhatsApp isn’t just big. With over two billion users in 180 countries, it’s HUGE.
Not only that, but communication habits have dramatically changed, too. For example:
Sources: *Zipwhip – The State of Texting; **Gartner; +eMarketer, Cooby – WhatsApp Statistics
So, combine one of the world’s largest messaging platforms with a planet full of people who can’t get enough of their phones, and what do you have?
An abundance of opportunity to engage and raise money.
If you’ve read this far, it’s likely that you’re wondering how WhatsApp can be used in such an effective way.
The good news is that Cymba has partnered with, a global leader in cloud software for conversational commerce, in order to create a unique and rich messaging solution for charities to harness.
With WhatsApp at the heart of your charity’s communications campaign, our new rich messaging solution can help you:
If you’re looking to reach more supporters using channels they’re already using, develop rich content that communicates your charity’s story in the most impactful way, and deliver the right messages to the right people at the right time, Cymba can help.
We’ve been improving campaign ROI for the biggest charities and brands around for almost two decades, so we know a thing or two about what works – and, importantly, what doesn’t.
Call 0845 08 29622 or text CYMBA to 88008* and we will call you back.
*Texts charged at your standard network rate
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